This is a page from the Catholic Church records in Boos, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Entry #10 is the death record for Michael Schneider on 12, July 1870 in Lind bei Mayen. Michael was the father of Peter Schneider.
From the same Church record book; entry #9 is the death record for Barbara Krebsbach's father, Arnold Krebsbach, who died late at night on 20, November 1889 in Boos.
Top entry #3 is death of Peter Schneider's mother: Anna Catharina (Konigs) Schneider. She died on 1, March 1900 in Lind Bei Mayen.
Entry #11 on 7, June 1867 is the birth of Barbara Krebsbach in Boos, naming her parents Arnold Krebsbach and Catharina Meurer.
Top entry, #3, is the death record of Barbara's mother; Catharina (Meurer) Krebsbach, recorded in Boos on 13, October 1901.
The 3rd entry on this page tells of the marriage on 2, October 1850 in Boos of Arnold Krebsbach from Welcherath and Catharina Meurer from Boos.